Anyways, I got to help out for this event by involving myself in uber-glamorous preparation tasks, such as, printing and sticking labels on the entire collection, running to Rymans (the stationers) to get ink when my printer ran out mid-label printing duty, collecting millions of hangers out of a giant pile of trillions of hangers (they all had to match by the way) and then taxi-ing down to the venue and organizing the collection onto rails. Envious? Not yet? Well, you will be in a second!
Although the buildup and the workload for the day wasnt amazing, the end result made my day. When I walked into this incredible building I got to take a first hand, up close look at all the collections on display. Oh lordy lord!
These included the current collections for Versace, Missoni, Richard Nicoll, Todd Lynn, Elie Saab and Antonio Berardi. I bet you're jealous now!
Man, it was a pretty surreal experience.
My favorite pieces were by Antonio Berardi and here's some photos for you to feast your eyes upon! PS. I touched these clothes with my bare hands!