One thing I have always wanted for as long back as I can remember is a real designer handbag. When I get a high paying job and can afford it, it is definitely one of the first purchases I will be making.
Anyways, out of all the designer bags on the market at the moment, Miu Miu is by far one of my favs. They are so funky and cool... and not many people own them so I guess if I had one, I would feel pretty cool.
Well, I found this one (pictured below) on, its only £656 which is still insanely expensive but not that bad in the whole scheme of things. MMMmmm. Now I want it and I want it bad!

Below is an image of what I would look like (if I were a mannequin) if I owned that bag. By the way, if I were a mannequin, I would soooooOoooo not be displayed in that outfit!