Okay, so, for those of you who arent aware, I have 2 cats. One is named Benson and the other is Hedges. Benson & Hedges, thats right, like the cigarettes! They are the first long term/permanent pets I have ever had, meaning that even though I have had many pets throughout my life, the rest of them have all ''gone to the special farm'' where they are all running free together and living a happy life. Man, I till wish my mum had the address to that farm, I would love to visit.
Anyways, out of all the rabbits, dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, birds, frogs, lizards, snakes and ducks (yes, ducks), these two cats are the only ones that I feel are the true definition of pet to me.
I love these little guys more than I probably should but they are just too cute I cant help myself.
Over the few years we have had them, Benson (cat no. 1) has blossomed into your stereotypical adorable, button nosed, big kitty eyed, cuddly, grey, long haired cat. She acts like a normal cat would, acting curious, meowing incessantly at everything, playing with toys, begging for food... You know the drill. Pretty much, everything a normal cat should be.
Hedges (cat no. 2) on the other hand, is a bit different... She's scared of pretty much everything and anything, sudden movements, rustling paper, a light wind blowing in through the open window... She's also quite small for an adult cat, leading to the assumption she is probably the runt of the litter. Also, she seems to lack the ability to let out a proper "Meow", most of the time she opens her mouth and tries her best but nothing comes out and at the best of times you might get a small squeek.
Well, the point of this post is that Hedges likes to lay on my bed and she likes to roll around, arms flailing in the air with her legs wide open. Now, Im not sure if this is common for a cat because my other cat doesnt do this, but sometimes I catch her in some crazy positions...
See for yourself...

I'm sure you dont believe me that this is a cat, but trust me, it is!
Does anyone else's cat do this???