Check, ch-check, ch-check, ch-check it out!
So I've decided to start a new chapter in my life and start up a new blog. Don't worry, it will be just as good (if not better!) and it will still be very interesting and full of cool things. So check it out and make sure to follow it. I'm going to try my best to keep on top of it this time. x
Look at my Hooves!
It's about damn time that I got back into blogging, what with Fashion Week ending and all, it would be a shame for me NOT to post at this time.
So there aren't really any excuses as to why I haven't been posting, just that fact that I've been in a lazy and unmotivated slump. But my therapist told me that I ''need a hobby'' instead of just ''doing nothing''. So here you go, I got myself a hobby! Happy now?
Alright, so I'll start off fresh with the accessory of the season that I truly couldn't go on without mentioning.
These are the shoes Alexander McQueen used in his s/s 2010 runway show. They are 10 inches high and look like, well, monster hooves. Incredible. I can actually say I'm speechless when I look at these. I love them. Of course you wouldn't actually be able to wear them ever on any occasion and respect goes out to the models who had to walk them down the runway, but for these reasons I consider them a work of art. Not often do you come across something so insane you just fall in love with them.

Jean-Charles de Castlebajac
I've discovered a name in fashion that is completely new to me and I felt that I needed to share it with the rest of you. That name is Jean-Charles de Castlebajac. He is a Moroccan fashion designer and also a french nobleman, what ever that means. I've honestly never heard anything about him or his clothes and randomly came across them whilst trawling the internet and I was flabbergasted at how cool they are! I'm all about the fantasy fashion and the larger than life cartoon themes so to me, this is just amazing.
Take a good look at the following pieces from his 2009 Spring RTW collection and let me know your favorite.
Mine is the jacket made out of Kermit the Frog stuffies which I could not possibly think of an appropriate occasion where this would be suitable to wear but still love, love, love!

I've been spotted!

A while back I was on my way to class on Oxford Street and I was spotted by a trend website! Who'dda Thunk It? Me? A trendster? Ha.
Well, they took my photo and surely enough, here I am, on their internet page!
You can check the site out for yourself to see other cool UK trendsetters. The site is It's cool stuff!
And apparently I'm cool stuff too.
Accessorize, That's the Key!
So I've searched the internet high and low for the seasons best accessories and I found 2 items that blew me away. Of course they are highly luxurious items, so luxurious that I couldn't actually find the prices of them. You know what that means, they are so expensive that they don't even bother listing the price.

This here is a gorgeous bracelet by Dior titled Idylle Dans la Baie Dalong. I love the colours, the jewels and the oh so cute turtle on top. Sweet as candy!

This gorgeous number is the Exces Tote by Valentino. Again, I'de like to mention that I could not find the price anywhere on the internet, but just by looking at it, you can tell that it is pricey pricey pricey! I love everything about this bag. The shades of teal blow me away and just the sheer detail in it... Ohhh, somebody catch me because I'm about to faint!
Stating The Obvious.
So something has to be said about John Gallianos Fall 2009 RTW collection. Clearly, it's amazing, and I know that anyone who's seen it would agree, but I just have to say it for myself.
Wouldn't you just love to know what goes on in this guys head? I can't understand how a person can think of such designs, I mean, when I think about it, it actually blows me away. I guess I kind of assume he's been taking copious amounts of drugs or had a bit of a messed up childhood, but deep down inside, I know that he is just one incredibly talented designer. And I'm pretty sure that I admire the pants off him, even though he's gay.
When I think back on his past collections, there aren't many that I didn't thoroughly enjoy and I think this one surpasses any favorites I may have had in the past.
The following photos are my personal favorite 3 pieces that I couldn't help but display. I love the Russian Doll, White Witch, Narnia-esque theme, I really just can't get enough.


So, about a week or two ago, I walked into TopShop and saw this really amazing pair of jeans. They are the Pippa styled jeans, in 32 Length, slightly stone washed and SUPER skinny. I was in love. But alas, an unemployed student is not able to afford new jeans. Nope, no way jose.
But then, a heavenly miracle sent from above took place and I was graced with a chance to own these jeans!! Yes, my husband said that he would buy me these jeans and my prayers were answered! I now own the best pair of jeans that I have ever owned. Not until they actually belonged to me and I wore them out in my daily life did I truly appreciate how incredible these jeans are. They sit slightly higher on the hips, giving a little but not too much coverage of the stomach, womans most hated problem area, they have the perfect amount of stretch in them meaning that ankle is so super skinny but still allows the wearer the ability to get their foot through the ankle hole, the thickness is just right meaning that they are comfortable and wearable even in the summer time, and the deal breaker...... even after wearing them out for 8 hours, walking far distances, sitting down, standing up, doing forward rolls, backwards rolls, lunges, situps, jogging, running, sprinting, riding a bike, bungee jumping, doing squats, yoga, pilates, yogalates, pilayoga (?)... THEY WERENT SAGGY!! Not in the bum, not in the crotch, not in the knees. No ladies, there was no sagging in these jeans! Incredible. How did they do it??!!!
Above is a picture of my gorgeous babies, and also if you look closely in the bottom right, you can see my cat wondering what the hell I am doing taking pictures of myself in the mirror.
You can buy them yourself at TopShop. Just look for the Pippa logo and get your 30 quid ready. Wow... Holy Wow.
Please note: Not all physical actions listed in this blog were preformed whilst wearing the Pippa jean. These actions were only added for humorous effect. Do not attempt all these activities in the Pippa jean, not only will this be uncomfortable but may eventually result in sagging.
Summer Hols Dudes.
So here I am, on summer holidays and haven't yet posted one blog entry. Pathetic, I know, you don't even need to tell me. Well, I spent the first, like, 4 weeks (?) looking for jobs. Same thing pretty much every day; get up, have breakfast, clean the flat, go on the internet, see how little jobs there are, apply for anything that looks even half decent, spend the rest of the day trying to occupy my time with any measly task I can think of, all the while checking the internet for more jobs. Strange to think that this has been my day to day life because written down it seems as though anyone who has to go through this would probably be pulling out their hair one piece at a time by now. Either that or they would have found some alternative to fill the empty void in their free time. But the funny thing is, this past month has absolutely flown past. Kind of sad really. Its like my life is just passing me by, one day at a time, and I have nothing to show for it. How depressing.
Well folks, this is all about to change! I'm going to start writting on this blog more, start going to Hot Bikram Yoga (I have not yet tried this, so this may only be a one off goal) and start being generally more motivated in life!
I'll keep you posted on how this goes. Toodles!
Behold, My Future!
Yesterday eve, I was enjoying some light television entertainment and came across a show that I think has changed my life forever. I was called something along the lines of Show Cats.. Cat Breeds.. OCD Cat Owners... Trophy Cats. It was the last one, I'm sure of it. Anyways, this show was all about cat owners who show their cats in, well, cat shows! Now I've always known that I am obsessed with and completely in love with every animal and I've always known that I will have many pets in my future but this show opened my eyes as to where my future will be with pets.
Guys, I'm going to be a Crazy Cat Lady.
The people on this show not only entered their beloved pets into competition after competition but also were professional cat breeders. In a few of the homes, these people owned 50+ cats. How incredible is that? I know what most of you are thinking, how can a person have that many cats in one home? And I really dont have the answer to that question to be honest. All I know is that I want that many cats in my home.
The following photos are 3 of my very favorite types of cats which I plan on owning in the future. 1) Sphynx 2) Persian 3) Devon Rex

Cock Tail.
So the best drink in the world that I have recently discovered is a Long Island Ice Tea.
I'm not sure if any of you have had this drink before but it tastes ridiculously great (doesn't taste of alcohol, which is always a bonus when drinking alcohol!).
It does required quite a few ingredients but if you start of with a few and slowly build up your collection until you have everything, I promise you it will be so worth it.
Here's how you do it...
1 part Vodka
1 part Gin
1 part Tequila
1 part White Rum
1 part Triple Sec
1 part Amaretto Liqueur
Dash of Sweet and Sour Mixer
Dash of Coca Cola
It's best to make this in a jug as a huge drink and work through it otherwise you have to fiddle with the measurements.
To finalize, Perfect Summer Drink.
I was naturally drawn to Balmain's Spring 2009 RTW collection but not until recently did I truely begin to really appreciate it.
As we see the 80's shoulder pad trend come back in (which I'm so obsessed with but don't have my own pair yet..) I really took notice in the incredible structured military jackets that went down the runway.

This particular jacket is by far my favorite of the collection and I can seriously see this item fitting into my wardrobe and I am pretty confident in saying it would suit me and my style perfectly so I decided to see if it was available to purchase.
And it is.
For £6,560.
Okay, so the straight fact is that I will never in my life own this jacket but I have been thinking of ways to create something similar at a much lower price.
I'm thinking ebay for a military jacket, a haberdashery shop for some embellishments and my sewing machine to put it all together..
I'm going to give it a try and I'll post the outcome (if it is worthy of being posted) and show what I've come out with.
To be Continued...
Holy Moley.
Well, cough... I've, uh, been busy lately. Cough.
Okay, so I'm going to sincerely apologize for the complete and seriously pathetic lack of blog entries for the past few weeks.. Was it 2 or 3 weeks? I'm not sure, but I really got out of touch with writing on here and things slowly spiralled out of control and I just kind of forgot about my blog completely!
I've been busy working on a school project and its pretty much taken over my life lately. We're doing a project where you have to design and create a project around recycling denim and I've been seriously unmotivated and lazy in all areas of my life because of it. You know when something just sucks the soul out of you and makes you question what exactly you are doing with yourself and why you ever chose to do it in the first place? Yes, well, if you can imagine that feeling and enhance it by 100 then you'll get some sort of idea how I feel at the moment.
Luckily for me, this project is due in a few weeks time and I'll be free as a bird and I will be able to write on here all day long! I'm looking forward to placing myself in a reception type job so you can almost guarantee that there will be hundreds, if not thousands of posts per week as I sit in front of a computer trying to occupy my time.
So for all my fans out there, bear with me and I promise things will go back to the way they used to be... the way you long for them to be once again...
And now an appropriate quote from Anchorman.
Champ Kind to Ron Burgundy: "We need you. Hell, I need you. I'm a mess without you. I miss you so damn much. I miss being with you, I miss being near you. I miss your laugh, I miss your scent; I miss your musk. When this all gets sorted out, I think me and you should get an apartment together."
I know you all feel this way about me too...
House of Holy crap, what is that?
When Henry Holland first hit the fashion scene, he was alright at his best. I never thought, "Wow, who IS this guy?" or "Man, that was a wicked awesome show he put on." Nope, I always felt his work was a bit cool, and I would consider buying some of it if I saw it on sale for under £10 but I have not once got excited about what he might do next.
Really, his only claim to fame (in my eyes) is the fact that he is besty's with queen o' the catwalk (at the moment!), Aggy Deyn, which again does not excite me.
Well, I was randomly checking things out on and came across his latest collection, Fall 2009 RTW, and I was shocked at how terrible it was.
Check it out, tell me what you think!

Cats are pretty wierd.
Okay, so, for those of you who arent aware, I have 2 cats. One is named Benson and the other is Hedges. Benson & Hedges, thats right, like the cigarettes! They are the first long term/permanent pets I have ever had, meaning that even though I have had many pets throughout my life, the rest of them have all ''gone to the special farm'' where they are all running free together and living a happy life. Man, I till wish my mum had the address to that farm, I would love to visit.
Anyways, out of all the rabbits, dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, birds, frogs, lizards, snakes and ducks (yes, ducks), these two cats are the only ones that I feel are the true definition of pet to me.
I love these little guys more than I probably should but they are just too cute I cant help myself.
Over the few years we have had them, Benson (cat no. 1) has blossomed into your stereotypical adorable, button nosed, big kitty eyed, cuddly, grey, long haired cat. She acts like a normal cat would, acting curious, meowing incessantly at everything, playing with toys, begging for food... You know the drill. Pretty much, everything a normal cat should be.
Hedges (cat no. 2) on the other hand, is a bit different... She's scared of pretty much everything and anything, sudden movements, rustling paper, a light wind blowing in through the open window... She's also quite small for an adult cat, leading to the assumption she is probably the runt of the litter. Also, she seems to lack the ability to let out a proper "Meow", most of the time she opens her mouth and tries her best but nothing comes out and at the best of times you might get a small squeek.
Well, the point of this post is that Hedges likes to lay on my bed and she likes to roll around, arms flailing in the air with her legs wide open. Now, Im not sure if this is common for a cat because my other cat doesnt do this, but sometimes I catch her in some crazy positions...
See for yourself...
I'm sure you dont believe me that this is a cat, but trust me, it is!
Does anyone else's cat do this???
Moo Moo.
Ahhhh, so as I was surfing the net today, looking for a handbag that I would buy if I had something like £1000 pounds (which I will clarify now, I do NOT have!) I came accross one that I have fallen in love with. 
One thing I have always wanted for as long back as I can remember is a real designer handbag. When I get a high paying job and can afford it, it is definitely one of the first purchases I will be making.
Anyways, out of all the designer bags on the market at the moment, Miu Miu is by far one of my favs. They are so funky and cool... and not many people own them so I guess if I had one, I would feel pretty cool.
Well, I found this one (pictured below) on, its only £656 which is still insanely expensive but not that bad in the whole scheme of things. MMMmmm. Now I want it and I want it bad!

Below is an image of what I would look like (if I were a mannequin) if I owned that bag. By the way, if I were a mannequin, I would soooooOoooo not be displayed in that outfit!

Harajuku Girl
The one place in the world I am DYING to go to is Tokyo. More specifically, I want to visit the Harajuku District and see the Japanese teens dressed up and the crazy fashion the have come up with. I love the originality and imagination these people possess, they can be pretty crazy! I love the lolita styles, dressing like a doll, it looks like it would be a fantasy world and I am dying to see it for myself.
I've trolled the net for some perfect examples of what I love and these are what I've come up with. I really wish dressing like this was normal in London because it looks like so much fun.

(Celebrity/$money$) + design = Coolness ^100%
A new fad in fashion is clearly the fact that celebrities are crossing over from model/actress to fashion designer and releasing collections so us average joes to have the opportunity to dress like them/own a label with their name on. We know it all started back in the day with Kate Moss and her collection for TopShop, which, quite frankly, I thought was a big disapointment. And then there was Madonna releasing her limited range with H&M and Kylie did the same across the water in Shanghai. Hell, even Lilly Allen has her own range. All of these collaborations, I feel, werent any good, and I pretty much wrote off being interested in them and never even bothered getting excited when ''so and so''s collection was going to be coming out next week....

Buuuuuttt (and I think you know where this is going..) something has happened recently that has completely changed my mind.
The release of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen's label, Elizabeth and James, was a huge breath of fresh air on the celebrity/design scene. Obviously they have great style of their own, so it seems obvious that they would be able to come up with some amazing clothes. I think they really tackled the creation of a flattering and girly range, including a great use of colours and styles. Too bad is super expensive because this is a collection I would buy buy buy!

Another great celebrity lable is Twenty8Twelve which is Sienna and Savannah Millers range. I absolutely LOVE these clothes! The current range is summery and include loads of super cute tea dresses that look so effortless! I swear, you just have to throw it on and you look like a super model! Ha, well... You know.. But again, quite expensive.. Its a bit more affordable than Elizabeth and James, but still, not something a student can afford. Boo Hoo!

Alert: New Site in Town
I've come accross some good news people! There's a new website that has just been launched by the people who made It's designer clothing at half the price for those of us struggling during the recession but still want to look damn hot.

I will add that I personally am not sturggling with the recession as I do not have a paying job, any sort of loan or mortgage, no bills to pay, I dont have to worry about interest rates or the DOW Jones falling.. I am a student and am absolutely not being affected by the recession.
So to check out this site, go to:
At the moment, there isnt much on the site in terms of quantities but it did just start up so its definitelty one to keep watching. They currently have pieces by 3.1 Phillip Lim, Vivienne Westwood, Chloe, Christian Lacroix, Stella McCartney and so many more!!!
I've checked the site out through and through and I will be perfectly honest, clothing wise, there isnt a helll of a lot I would purchase but there are lots of great shoes, bags and accessories at the moment.
My personal favorite piece available right now is an incredible mini Kimono dress by Alexander McQueen, regular £1,972 on sale for 60% off so it is now £789. Okay, so its still not within my price range and I promise there are cheaper items on there and this one just happens to be the best thing on there at the moment. See for yourself....

Tell me that wouldnt look so great on a night out?? Oh maaan!!!
Hiatus, On.
Sorry to anyone who has been following my blog, if there is anyone at all!
I've been working at Jonathan Saunders (as stated in a previous post) where I do 10 Hour days work, twice a week (for free! uh, work experience!) and also I've had a terrible project to do for school.
This project is so terrible and so unmotivating that I have nearly given up on it.
So, I will apologize for not writing as frequently as I would like to but my life is crazy/hectic at the moment so it makes it very difficult to blog.
Peace out. x

Can you forgive me? Pwwweeeease????
Like the Boys.
One of my favorite collections of all times is Commes des Garcons Fall 2007 RTW. All my fashion fantasies came true when this collection came out. And when I say fantasies, I mean fantasies. And when I say all, I mean all. It was out of this world! Now I know what you're all saying, ''Commes des Garcons' collections are always out of this world!'' and I say ''I know! But this one was especially out of this world!'' and you say ''What could they do to make it so out of this world?''
And that's what I'm here to show you.
This collection is a mixture of Disneyland childhood adventures mixed with flirty pastels and girly dresses mixed with creepy mime hands mixed with sporty luxe comfort. Ch-yea. I know.
Three words: Out-Of-This-World.
Four words!

That horse stole my haircut!
The Amity Show.
And this week (so far)'s best outfits are:

On the way to work. Boyfriend Blazer, high waisted brace skirt, vintage belt, basic tank and basic black leggings.
Sunday afternoon drinks in the pub. Hand-me-down sweater, Neurotica Organic Tee, jersey tube skirt, basic black leggings.
Saturday afternoon to the park and drink in the sun. TopShop oversized cardigan, drape tank, jeggings (jean/leggings), new bag from Aldo!
Lunch at Harrods with the parents in law. TopShop oversized cardigan, basic tank, high waisted shorts, vintage belt.
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