So, about a week or two ago, I walked into TopShop and saw this really amazing pair of jeans. They are the Pippa styled jeans, in 32 Length, slightly stone washed and SUPER skinny. I was in love. But alas, an unemployed student is not able to afford new jeans. Nope, no way jose.
But then, a heavenly miracle sent from above took place and I was graced with a chance to own these jeans!! Yes, my husband said that he would buy me these jeans and my prayers were answered! I now own the best pair of jeans that I have ever owned. Not until they actually belonged to me and I wore them out in my daily life did I truly appreciate how incredible these jeans are. They sit slightly higher on the hips, giving a little but not too much coverage of the stomach, womans most hated problem area, they have the perfect amount of stretch in them meaning that ankle is so super skinny but still allows the wearer the ability to get their foot through the ankle hole, the thickness is just right meaning that they are comfortable and wearable even in the summer time, and the deal breaker...... even after wearing them out for 8 hours, walking far distances, sitting down, standing up, doing forward rolls, backwards rolls, lunges, situps, jogging, running, sprinting, riding a bike, bungee jumping, doing squats, yoga, pilates, yogalates, pilayoga (?)... THEY WERENT SAGGY!! Not in the bum, not in the crotch, not in the knees. No ladies, there was no sagging in these jeans! Incredible. How did they do it??!!!
Above is a picture of my gorgeous babies, and also if you look closely in the bottom right, you can see my cat wondering what the hell I am doing taking pictures of myself in the mirror.
You can buy them yourself at TopShop. Just look for the Pippa logo and get your 30 quid ready. Wow... Holy Wow.
Please note: Not all physical actions listed in this blog were preformed whilst wearing the Pippa jean. These actions were only added for humorous effect. Do not attempt all these activities in the Pippa jean, not only will this be uncomfortable but may eventually result in sagging.